DMV Approved Driver's Education Online Unit: .4  
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Unit 1: Driving Responsibilities                                                  

Section 01.D:  Common courtesy is a key to traffic safety


Purpose: Introduce the student to some of the general responsibilities associated with driving, the meaning of a
driver license, the importance of driver education, and the impact of the automobile on society.

   Issue        Learning   Objective     References
01.D.01 Roadway is shared by all drivers 01.D.01(1) Safely sharing the roadway with other drivers and pedestrians is essential for avoiding accidents.   CDH: p.44
01.D.02 Courtesy, makes order out of chaos 01.D.02(2) The traffic laws and rules of the road cannot address all possible driving situations. If you remember to be courteous, you can help avoid accidents and keep traffic moving in an orderly fashion.   CDH: p.44
01.D.03 Courtesy, the Golden Rule 01.D.03(1) The golden rule of driving is to treat other drivers the way you want to be treated. You should obey traffic laws, drive responsibly, and avoid taking unnecessary risks. CDH: p.44
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